These practice tests are based on the official manual and imitate the AB class 7 learners test in every way.
Instantly locate driving schools, hours of operation, phone numbers, and directions
'Find a Driving School' offers information on over a thousand driving schools across Canada. We have carefully sorted this information so that you could easily locate the driving schools near you. Each listing contains brief contact details (address, telephone, email address and website) and some information about the services provided. Most driving schools in our directory provide defensive driving courses, teen driver education, truck driving programs and as driver safety courses. Use the search bar to search by exact address, city, province, or postal code. Alternatively, you can click the
button on the map above, and we'll automatically display the driving schools near you.We are an independent directory, which means we're not affiliated with any particular driving school. We do not take sides. We display all the comments we receive from users - no matter if they are positive and negative. If you've had driving lessons at a driving school, we invite you to review it: help the next person make an informed choice! We've set a goal of providing a comprehensive list of every driver's education organization operating in Canada. We are adding new driving schools in new locations every day. If you know of a school that we've missed, please use this contact form to let us know so we can add it to the directory.
Once you have located your nearest driving school, click on the marker to find out everything you need to know about it: