About the DriveWise Mississauga:

DriveWise Mississauga
Once you check our defensive driving school out and compare you will not find a better program.
We have been operating as a Driving School in Ontario for over 21 years. We are very proud of our new program that includes STATE-OF-THE-ART
Defensive Driving Simulators in each of our classrooms! And of course private one on one driving lessons in Mississauga.
Driving is a skill you learn once, so make the WISE choice and choose DriveWise Mississauga, Canada's number one choice in Driver training !
We build advanced defensive drivers.
If you have any questions about any of our driver training lessons or our driving school in Mississauga, road test, G1 G2 test preprations, fleet, coporate or defensive driving programs, please send us an email. We are always happy to help answer any questions you may have!
MTO Ministry Approved Driver Education Provider
- Emergency manouvers, braking
- Highway
- Head On avoidance
- Simulation senario training
- Private in car lessons
- Road test preperation
Visit drivewise-mississauga.com for more information.