Driving school in Grand Falls, NB, Canada
Sewell's Drivers Ed. is a provincially accredited driver training school with three classrooms along the St. John River Valley. Our head office is located in Woodstock, New Brunswick, and our other offices are located in Grand Falls, NB and Florenceville, NB.
We offer monthly new-driver education courses consisting of 25 hours in-class instruction taught by industry veteran Larry Sewell, and 10 hours of practical in-vehicle instruction lead by Judy Oliver and Crystal Speer.
Sewells Drivers Ed. also offers professional driver training services in the following:
- Driving evaluation for company or business drivers.
- Defensive driving classes; mobile classroom.
- Air brake training; mobile classroom & adjustment.
- Pre-trip inspection training for any type of vehicle.
If you're interested in taking advantage of new-driver training, professional services, or just want more information... get in touch!
Visit www.sewellsdriversed.com/ for more information.