Driving school in Abbotsford, BC, Canada
We want our students to really understand everything about driving, so we keep our process simple, but complete and thorough. Basics of driving, important aspects of car safety, rules of the road, advanced observation skills and above all, making it fun and enjoyable are all things that we strive to succeed within our driver training program.
We have developed a process of teaching that takes the instruction back to the core of the skill. On a technical level, we can see exactly where the error is taking place and then re-teach the skill to make the correction. Then, with repeated practice, the student "masters" the skill and therefore becomes a more confident and skilled driver.
Our cars are dual-controlled, safe and reliable and have passed all government safety inspections. You can feel confident that you or your son/daughter will receive the very best of equipment and instruction standards. We teach in all types of driving conditions that include night driving, rain and light snow.
Finally, with 37 years of safe driving and almost 7 years of teaching driver training to Learner/Novice and adult drivers, we have come to raise the standard in driver training.
We are committed to our customers and provide excellent customer service with advanced contact management processes that include email and text reminders for lessons. We are here to make a difference and give long-term results.
Essentially, we want our students to be life-long, safe drivers.
Visit artofdrivingschool.com for more information.